It Was One Of Those Days

Lynette Burrus ChambersBlog2 Comments

It was one of those days.  I was tired from our travels to Nebraska last week, and in a hurry to get done and get back home. As I made my way through Wal-Mart, following my grocery list from aisle to aisle, I am sure that my face was a study of concentration; less than friendly I am sure. In fact, with prices the way they are these days, and yet wanting to create a memorable Thanksgiving experience for those who were coming to dinner, I must have looked like a wild eyed crazy woman at times.

My heart was full as I thought about my mother and all the many Thanksgivings we spent with her over the years. Her birthday always fell the week of Thanksgiving, and sometimes even on the day of Thanksgiving. Whether we were able to be with her or not, I always spent the weeks beforehand looking for just the right gifts for her. Sometimes it was a pretty lamp for her home, or a soft sweater for her to wear on cool days. Regardless of the item, my heart’s desire was to give a gift that would somehow express my love and appreciation for her. Quite simply, I was missing her this day, more than a little, as I shopped for our upcoming meal.

More than that, my heart was heavy. Sad with missing our daughter and her family. You see, regardless of what some may say or think, we do love our daughter, and the fact that we have had a broken relationship with her for several years now weighs heavy on my heart at times. I am not perfect, and have never claimed to be. However, no one can ever say I don’t love my family with all of my heart. The fact that I don’t agree with some of her ideas and decisions does not mean that I love her less. It simply means that I pray for her more.

And so, as I made my journey through the store, I was surprised, even shocked when a younger woman hurried past me, then stopped and turned around and said to me, “your hair is simply beautiful, in fact you are just beautiful.” Even as she hurried on her way she was talking to herself, saying, just beautiful. . .  A rather odd experience to say the least.

A few minutes later an older gentleman stopped me and spoke softly, “do you mind if I ask, what is that perfume you are wearing? It smells lovely, I think my wife might like that.”  We chatted for a moment as I told him it was White Diamonds by Liz Taylor and that the store carries it.  And then he smiled and said, “you are a lovely lady, thank you.”

Now, I declare, I could not make this stuff up, a very short few minutes later, a young man, even younger than my son, came by me. He smiled a big smile, and said, “Maamm, (in a deep Arkansas drawl), you are just beautiful, your eyes remind me of my Grandmother.” Not knowing what to say, I simply smiled at him and thanked him, and wandered on my way.

However, I continued with my shopping just a little bit lighter of heart, as I realized that sometimes it is simply our presence that touches other people’s lives. We don’t necessarily have to say or do anything, just be ourselves, and let Christ shine through us. That is really all it takes.

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving week with family and friends. If by some chance you are alone and lonely, I pray that God’s presence fills you to the brim and overflowing. You are special to Him!

2 Comments on “It Was One Of Those Days”

  1. broken relationship with my child too

    Your words touch my heart so deeply. Especially because your words echo my thoughts/feelings as well. My son and I have not spoken in a while and have had a broken relationship now for a few years. It breaks my heart most especially during these upcoming holidays when families should be together. You are beautiful. God’s light shines through the essence of who you are and people notice. xo God bless you. Hope you have a wonderful holiday and that God weaves a path for you and your daughter to reconnect in a much stronger, more beautiful relationship.

    1. Lynette Burrus Chambers

      I am so sorry to hear of your heartache. You will certainly be in my prayers that the Lord will make a way where there seems no way, and that you and your son will be reunited in love and joy. Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. You have blessed me richly. In his love, Lynette

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