Morning Glory

Lynette Burrus ChambersDevotionalLeave a Comment


Sometimes the nights seem so long, and so dark.  . . .  fears creep in and we become weary and tired.  Life sometimes seems to have lost its allure as we face hardships and trials that we never expected to endure.

But this morning I was reminded once again of just how much my Savior loves me, and how He is right here with us; revealed in the most special ways.

A few months back I determined to begin losing weight and getting myself in better shape.  You see, I will turn sixty years old this very week!  Now some say that sixty is the new forty, but let me tell you, when you are out of shape and overweight it sure doesn’t feel that way. . .

And so, I started on an eating program designed to help lose the extra weight, I have an accountability coach who is tougher than nails, and I work out.  AND, I have lost approximately twenty-seven pounds since January.  I began taking my exercise opportunities more seriously as well.  Currently I walk two to three miles, at least once a day – if not twice.

Now, when I say I walk, I am talking about the entire length of our little country road, from my brother’s house to the main highway, rocks, hills, snakes, critters and all!  It is a bit of a workout to be sure!

At times, my husband, Jim, walks with me; other times I walk alone.  Either way is good.  When Jim walks with me, we talk and catch up on happenings that we might not otherwise remember to do.

Ahhhhh, but when I walk alone, I find that I am in the presence of the Holy Spirit – and that is precious.

This morning was one of those special times.  I left the house in the cool of the morning, while the dew was still on the roses. . . . cliché I know!  But it was lovely.

I had gotten about a mile down the road when I saw a big old granddaddy terrapin crossing my path.  His neck was stretched out as he traveled what to him must have seemed fast, across the road from one side of the woods to the other.  Giving him a gentle nudge with the toe of my walking shoe, I helped him along his way.  Mostly because I didn’t want someone in a rush to come along in a vehicle and run over him.

A bit later as I made my way on down our little mountain, I spied another, younger, terrapin just hiking it across the road, going the same direction as the other!!  Ha!  His colors were so deep reddish orange and black it was incredible, and he was right smack dab in the middle of the road.  I reached down and picked him up and smiled right into his wrinkled, astonished little face!  You know, I could swear that he winked at me, right before he tucked his head back in his shell!  Gently, I sat him over into the quiet of the cedar trees, hoping it helped him get where he was going a little faster and safer.

Then began the arduous journey back up the hill; however, I was only about half way up when a lovely aroma wafted over me that stopped me in my tracks.  Closing my eyes, I breathed deeply.

“Surely, Lord,” I whispered, “this must be what being in Your presence smells like!”

Standing perfectly still for several long minutes in the soft sunlight, I simply raised my face to Him and breathed in His presence.

Of course, upon further investigation, I found that there hung a large cluster of honeysuckle just off the road in a tangle of bushes!  While I know that the incredible smell actually came from them, I also know that the Lord let it sweep over me at just the right moment to remind me of Him.

On up the road, I watched a yearling fawn leap gracefully across my path.  As I stood in awe once again at the beauty all around me, I could do nothing more than give glory and praise to my God most High!!!

So, yes.  I am exercising and dieting.  I am trying to be more healthy so that hopefully one day I can see my granddaughters walk down the aisle on their wedding day or as they graduate from high-school and college.  However, I am also taking time along the way to truly enjoy each moment that the Lord gives me; to see each experience as an unique and individual opportunity to give Him praise.

May His glory shine upon us!


Be you exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be above all the earth.  Psalms 57:5

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