She Walks With Me

Lynette Burrus ChambersArticlesLeave a Comment

Sometimes she leads, sometimes she follows. . . and sometimes, she walks right by my side.

There are times when I may go days or even weeks without giving her a thought.  Life gets busy, things get a little cloudy, and I go on my merry way, just winging it alone.  And then, there are the times when I realize she is there, and I am reminded that we are never alone, our shadow is as much a part of us as our heartbeat!

A while back now, I was having one of those lonely, sad days, you know, when you feel that there is no one who cares?  Sitting in my little garden, looking at the flowers and vegetables growing, I, for no real reason, felt tears come to my eyes.  Isn’t it odd how in the strangest of times and places we can suddenly feel melancholy?

Well, anyway, I superstitiously wiped the tears from my eyes with the tail of my long jean colored shirt.  Suddenly I realized that she was there and she wiped her eyes too.  I turned my head to look at the roses and she turned too.  I could swear that I saw her smiling at me, but then the image vanished as quickly as it came.

More recently, I was out walking one morning with the sun at my back, and there she was right out in front of me!  It dawned on me that she was looking nice and slender, well certainly more slender than a few months ago. . .  I said to her, “Wow, you are looking nice!”

Suddenly with no warning, she did a leap, clearly filled with joy, and performed a pirouette that any ballerina would have been proud of, right there in the middle of our dusty old country road.

I laughed right out loud, and reminded her that I am a sixty year old woman now and can’t be seen acting like that right out where God and everybody can see.

Sometimes I swear she thinks we are still seventeen.

The other day I noticed that she had gotten a new haircut.  It had a nice swing and bounce as she walked along.  She seemed happy that day, full of energy and grace.  I wondered, if we could talk, what she might tell me.  What we might plan or reminisce about of days gone by.  One thing for sure, I know that whatever it might be, we would have fun doing it together. . .

And then I remember when I was grieving the loss of someone I loved, she grieved with me.  As I wrapped my arms around myself, she wrapped her arms around me and held me tight, almost as if she understood my sorrow and pain.  I was reminded again that I was not alone.

As I think about her, and I am encouraged by her presence, her constant love and devotion to me, her never-ending loyalty, I am reminded of the sweet Holy Spirit.

I’m reminded of how He is always with me, He never leaves me alone, even for a moment.

Oh, sometimes I may feel alone, or I may forget that He is there, but then I am reminded of His presence, and of His precious love for me.  I am reminded that even in my darkest moments, when I can’t see even a glimpse of Him, He is there.  He wraps His arms of love around me, reminding me that I am His.

And so, as I walk through this life, I am glad to know that I am not alone. . . they walk with me.

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